Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday Wang Night.

Wednesday is Wang night at the Memphis Taproom, well at least for the staff. Come eat some!!!! They're soooooooooo good.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bill Bateman's Bistro

Inspired by the new blog and further encouraged by my dieting wife’s absence, I stopped at Bill Bateman’s Bistro in Towson for some carry-out wings last night. Bateman’s will occasionally show up on best of Baltimore lists for their wings—plus it’s a short drive from my house.

I chose the barbeque flavor and only waited about 10 minutes for my order. When I got home, I was pleasantly surprised that they were all drumstick type wings. I hadn’t even taken a bite and was already being smiled upon by the Wing Gods (Hermes and Iris).

On scales of both meatiness and flavor I give them an eight. This is my fourth trip to Bateman’s and this is the best result I’ve gotten, but they’ve never been below a seven for flavor or a five for meatiness.

One point about the venue. Bill Bateman’s is a sport-oriented establishment. Wall-to-wall TVs tuned to ESPN through ESPN8 (“The Ocho”). I happen to enjoy college and professional sports, but this place would definitely turn off someone who is not so inclined.

My dog was mad he didn’t get any.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

don't stop 'til you get enough...


I'm so excited to be apart of this blog and the only appropriate way for me to kick off blogging about delicious wangzzz is best put in this great image by Natalie Dee

natalie dee

Liberating your taste buds

and securing your right to sauce.

Welcome to the Wing Blog. Wing Macros, Wing Poetry, Creative Wing-Fiction, Meditations on that weird fake-drumstick piece, Vegetarian substitutions (trying to be flexible here), Interpretive Wing Performance, Awesomely gross before-and-after-photography. Let's do this!